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Wuxi Tiantong Construction Machinery CO., LTD.

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Hanging basket content provision organizations some common sense and check

Release date: 2016-06-15 11:46:30    Visits: 692

In the basket, the suspension mechanism is a very important part, so this part, we should also focus on understanding what the job, so as to better understand the basket to understand and be able to make yourself a more comprehensive knowledge in this area extensive and detailed depth. Then it will be specifically what it expand, following small series to summarize, as follows:
Question 1: bodies hanging basket, which common sense, what does?
Question 2: operations basket height suspension inspection requirements institutions have?
Since the above summarized, then the next Xiaobian ado, to expand on the specific content of it.
Basket hanging mechanism has some common sense:
(1) Suspension institutions structure must be made of steel or other metal material qualified manufactured, which can be connected to welding, riveting or bolting, but should have sufficient strength and rigidity.
(2) its force member, job quality inspection must be carried out to ensure that can meet the design requirements.
(3) suspension applied force mechanism, to be able to meet the load requirements of the building structure job.
High operating basket hanging bodies and inspection requirements, which are:
(1) positioned to be accurate, not biased; its beam connection should be solid and reliable, and the structure should have sufficient rigidity and strength.
(2) the number of the basket with weights shall meet the requirements, it should be stacked neatly, not being prosecuted.

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